What is a 17+ rating, and when is that content scheduled?

What is a 17+ rating, and when is that content scheduled?

17+ programming can be broadly categorized as adult in nature, violent, or medically graphic content. Content containing excessive vulgar language, nudity, extreme physical violence, prolonged and realistic violence, degradation, graphic depiction of invasive medical procedures, or indecent material will be scheduled between the hours of Midnight to 5AM and will be preceded by a message advising viewer discretion.

Indecent material describes or depicts sexual or excretory activities or sexual organs in a way that under contemporary community standards would be patently offensive to many.

Members are required to identify whether submitted programming MAY fit this category, because we do not pre-screen content. Members MUST notify SPEAK MPLS upon submission of content if it contains material requiring a 17+ disclaimer or advisory message.
