Do you air commercials on SPEAK MPLS TV?

Do you air commercials on SPEAK MPLS TV?

SPEAK MPLS TV is commercial-free, and commercial content is strictly prohibited on SPEAK MPLS TV. All content must be non-commercial by nature. Commercial content is defined as, but not limited to: content that advertises, solicits business, or promotes bartering, commercial products, businesses, services, or transactions.The direct solicitation or appeal for funds, items, or services of value for any or all purposes is not allowed, with the exception of non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, if it has filed a letter with SPEAK MPLS verifying its non-profit status.

Programming including information about the lottery, gambling, a gift enterprise, or similar schemes is strictly prohibited.

Members may not include commercial telephone numbers, nor information about the purchase of a product or a good in the programming aired on SPEAK MPLS TV.

Any content submitted by a member that includes the prohibited information above will not be aired on SPEAK MPLS TV.
